
Banjir Di Makassar

Banjir melumpuhkan jalan yang menghubungkan kelurahan Paccerakkang Makassar dengan Moncong Loe Maros. Air menggenangi jalan dan jembatan, sehingga warga menggunakan perahu untuk angkutan sementara di kedua wilayah itu. Setiap penumpang perahu membayar tarif Rp.5000. Sedangkan bagi mereka yang membawa sepeda motor dikenakan tarif Rp.20000 termasuk pengendaranya.

Anak-anak selalu senang bermain di air meskipun di tempat banjir.

Banjir Awal Tahun Di Makassar

Banjir yang melanda kota Makassar pada awal tahun 2013 membuat beberapa perumahan menjadi tergenang luapn air dari dari sungai. Selain itu, sistem drainase yang buruk turut memperparah terjadinya banjir.

Taking Shot On Rainy Day

Musim hujan terkadang menjadi penghalang bagi anda yang suka memotret di luar ruangan. Lalu apakah anda harus berdiam saja di dalam kamar? tentu tidak, sebab anda justeru bisa mengabadikan berbagai obyek yang berkaitan dengan hujan yang sedang turun di luar. Lalu tunggu apa lagi? segera ambil kamera dan mulailah memotret hujan. Santai dan nikmati saja.

Butiran Air Yang Muncrat Pada Splash Photography

Butiran hujan yang jatuh pada batu diatas atap membuat air seperti pecah berhamburan ke segala arah. Moment yang menarik untuk difoto. Anda bisa juga mencobanya sebagai eksperimen menggunakan kecepatan rana pada kamera anda.

Embun Di Kawat Jemuran

Banyak obyek yang bisa difoto saat hujan turun, tergantung bagaimana anda melihat pada lingkungan di sekitar anda. Jadi mulailah berpikir kreatif untuk menghasilkan gambar yang menarik.

Splash Photo Taking

Splash. Air hujan yang jatuh ke dalam loyang  menarik untuk dijadikan obyek foto. Percikan air dapat dihentikan dengan menaikkan kecepatan rana pada kamera.

Rintik Hujan Coklat

Butiran air hujan yang jatuh diatas tanah menggenang sehingga menyebabkan air jadi keruh dan berwarna kecoklatan.

Jamur Coklat Pada Batang Kayu Mati

Jamur kayu. Jamur jenis ini biasa tumbuh pada batang pohon yang sudah mati. Warnanya kecoklatan dan teksturnya kaku.

Batu Karang

Struktur batu karang yang kokoh bisa menjadi penahan hembusan angin dan badai bagi tumbuhan yang ada di sekitarnya, termasuk sebatang pohon yang tumbuh diatasnya.

Burung Pipit

Sparrows most commonly encountered in the field, especially during the rice planting season. they fly and perch huddled together on the stalk of the plant. In addition to the field, the birds of this type of bird is also often build nests in between the roof of the house.

Minor Disamping Tongkonan

Rantepao is the capital of North Toraja. One of the city's icon is a miniature tongkonan custom homes built right on the corner of the street Ahmad Yani and pathways leading to the Palopo Luwu. Although a marker of, but looks chaotic with a power cord that ran beside the building tongkonan, besides the wall is always filled with a variety of patches pamphlet or poster ads. Very disturbing sight.

Menikmati Pantai Losari dengan Sepeda Air

If you were at Losari makassar, you certainly do not want to just sit there watching people walking back and forth. There is one game that is possible for some of you think a little out of date. On the west side exactly behind the mosque there Losari bicycle water. There you can rent this game to be used together with your partner or your family. This game fits you use in the morning when the sea was calm, so you can wander around the beach while enjoying the panorama and a bit of exercise.

Patung Pahlawan Di Pantai Losari Makassar

Kalau anda berkunjung ke pantai Losari  di kota Makassar hari ini, disana akan anda temui sesuatu yang berbeda. Pada sisi kiri anjungan pantai Losari yang lama sudah dibangun anjungan baru yang diberi nama anjungan Bugis Makassar. Lalu disisi selatan tepatnya di samping jalan yang menuju Tanjung Bunga juga terdapat sesuatu yang unik dan bernilai sejarah, yaitu patung-patung pahlawan terkenal dari Sulawesi Selatan khususnya suku Makassar dan Bugis. 

Saat datang di area ini anda akan mendapati patung para tokoh pejuang terkenal seperti Sultan Hasanuddin, A.M. Yusuf atau Andi Pangerang Pettarani. Tetapi ada juga tokoh pejuang yang mungkin agak asing bagi anda. Misalnya La Sinrang. Bagi saya pribadi, ini merupakan suprise tersendiri karena walaupun saya warga kota Makassar, orang Sulawesi Selatan asli, saya baru tahu jika nama jalan La Sinrang yang selama ini saya lewati ternyata adalah nama seorang tokoh pejuang terkenal di Sulawesi Selatan.

Jika sekali waktu anda berkunjung ke kota Makassar mampirlah di tempat ini untuk melihat sedikit gambaran mengenai tokoh-tokoh pejuang dari Sulawesi Selatan.

Unique at Losari Makassar

Paraga. These games and sports as well as traditional arts origin Bugis-Makassar, South Sulawesi. Unlike traditional sports games and sepak takraw, played not for Paraga contested, but as an attraction skill performance. Paraga also played in teams with a number of at least 6 (six).

In Paraga, rattan ball-bounce reflected not only using the foot, but also the head and hands. The existence passapu, triangular hat given layer kanji to be able to uprise, so help the players Paraga time if the ball head. The players Paraga also often use gloves that are part of their costumes to process Paraga ball.

The position of the player with the ball Paraga also varied. Starting from standing, sitting, squatting, to lie down! Paraga was played in a variety of formations. One of them, the tower formations formed from a pile of players standing on the shoulders of the other players to shape like a tower.

Boat or ship phinisi been famous since hundreds of years around the world. Boat typical Bugis Makassar tribe is famous because it can navigate the vast sea to various parts of the world, though only made of wood and is controlled with a fabric screen that rely on the wind. The sailors Bugis Makassar famous for being very tough wading through vast seas and ferocious.
Statue boats boats phinisi can you meet while visiting Makassar Losari.
If you have been to the city of Makassar, of course you know the three-wheeled vehicles that rely on human power. Becak or pedicab is one of the cheapest transport to Makassar city icon since decades ago. This becak statue can you meet at Losari Makassar. Taken with cell phone camera N73.

Wajah Baru Pantai Losari Makassar

If you have been to the city of Makassar in South Sulawesi, of course you are familiar with Losari. The beach is located right in the center of the city of Makassar. Maybe during a visit there, you stop at the beach pavilion, which is used as a place to hold a variety of events, but it is also used to bridge Losari take pictures and relax while enjoying the beautiful view of the sunset in the afternoon. Current conditions in the beach Losari has changed with the widening or adding space to enjoy the beauty of the beach. On the left side has been coupled with the paving of the Bugis and Makassar. So the place to relax with friends or family and the wider relief.

Brand New in Store Display

Atmosphere and store displays in a store that sells various types of women's handbags. The store also sells various kinds of shoes and jewelry accessories. At the beginning of the new year 2013, several shops selling clothes, jewelery and various accessories are providing discounted rates for various types of consumer goods, especially for women. Discount shopping fashion products is also diverse and very interesting. Ranging from 50% to 70%. Most of the goods are sold at low prices in the shop are stock last year that must be spent, so that new items will be sold this year in at the store soon.

This photo was taken using the camera of the mobile phone N73 with a resolution of 2 MP.

Pattern 3

Various patterns can be encountered in everyday life. All have a unique pattern and shape. It will appear when viewed from different angles.

Pattern 2

Hand fan, made of a material that is very easily found in all regions in Indonesia, namely bamboo. The dried bamboo sawed into pieces with a size of 10 to 15 centimeters. Hand fan size there are various depending on the needs of people ordering. Bamboo is cut the little pieces and then glued together with a piece of cloth. Fabrics used usually have a variety of motives, such as batik or images.

Once upon a time the houses on the island of Java to use as a roof tile. The roof tiles are made from clay that is processed through the burning so strong and durable, but heavy. Now with the advancement taknologi, some building materials manufacturers have made various types of roofing materials like tile but with a more easily found with a light weight, such as zinc and aluminum.

Pattern 1

Various forms can be found all around us. The pattern is formed from the lines that are interconnected or separate. It gives a visual view of the diverse but interesting to see.